It’s Wednesday evening.
Work at the public library has been rewarding this week. Taught a Resume Design class last night at Workforce Solutions, which is really the Texas Workforce Commission. The people were nice, engaged, and appreciative, and we love doing that kind of work. For the people I work with creating a good resume is not a hard thing, but honestly for many people it isn’t easy and they can use the help. So we help. Being a public librarian makes me feel good every day.
My spouse has been sick with a stomach virus but is on the mend, but I’ve stayed home from Aikido this week to give her help at home after work and let her get the rest she needs.
I’ve been working on my Traveller RPG campaign in the evenings. That has been fun. Looking forward to playing in March, when we will revive our long-running campaign that has been dormant for the last year due to people moving and other examples of life getting in the way.
Saturday I’ll be interviewing someone for my Traveller podcast. Looking forward to that.
Found out today that a dear friend is looking at some serious health problems. Not happy about that.
That’s all.