Tag: IL2010

Internet Librarian 2010, Day One, part 1.

I’ve been in Northern California since Friday afternoon. Today is the first dry day. Rained all weekend, destroying all plans to skate with my friends Dale or Gary, but it was fun hanging with Dale anyway. Much good food was eaten and skateboarding discussed. Had a great trip to the Museum of Modern Art, in San Francisco. Very enjoyable.

Drove back down to Monterey on  Sunday afternoon, in the rain. It isn’t really that far, but the drive is always sorta tiring. Took the less-scenic route in order to avoid highway 17, and the severe stress it always inflicts on me.

The keynote at the conference was interesting, as have been the sessions so far. I’ll write about them later tonight. Just had my usual first day lunch (and usually second and third) of fried calamari. Good stuff. Hoping for some dry weather tonight, so I can venture to the little skatepark nearby. However, I suspect the moisture will accumulate. That seems to be the way it works here, in which case I’ll probably read part 2 of On the Road and get a nice milk shake via room service.

Have Board, Will Travel #1

Trusty sled - ready to roll. Will the weather be kind this year?

Nearly every year I attend the Internet Librarian conference, in Monterey, California. I go out a few days early and do some skateboarding and chill-time with friends out there.

First stop (after jumping from DFW-Los Angeles-Monterey, Californa and renting a car) will be Mill Valley, California, home of my good friend Dale and his neighbor Sammy Hagar (a.k.a. the Red Rocker). Will Sammy make an appearance? Only time will tell. Weather permiting, Dale and I will sample the skateparkish delights of that fine region. Sunday I’ll head down to Mountain View, California and Rengstorff Park, for freestyle skateboarding with the great Gary Holl and Wally  Sueyoshi.

Monday, October 25, is the beginning of the Internet Librarian conference. Besides being a great conference to attend, there is a small skatepark about a mile from the hotel. Now, evenings in Monterey can get rather damp when the fog rolls in, quickly coating the skatepark’s smooth surfaces in disaster-bringing moisture. But if it is dry outside, I usually try to get out and skate in the evening. I also try to do at least a couple of dine-arounds with fellow conferencers, and maybe watch the World Series if it’s on (it was a few years ago).