Richardson, Texas Bond Election

OK, there is a bond election here in Richardson, Texas, on May 8. You can read about propositions here.

If you live here in Richardson, I encourage you to vote in favor of each and every one of these propositions. Richardson is an aging community, with a pretty low tax rate. Approval of these propositions will increase the property taxes on the average home about $110 a year. This will actually still keep our overall tax rate very competitive with other nearby cities.

It’s important that we make the investments necessary to keep Richardson a desirable place to live. This means keeping up our city infrastructure and amenities, and investing in new technology to allow our city departments to function more efficiently. For example, proposition 3 includes money to put RFID chips on all the public library materials and install a new material handling system. This will allow the library to function more efficiently for years to come.

Part of living in a good community includes investing in that community. It sickens me that there is organized opposition to these propositions. These folks need a dose of reality – we live in an older suburb, with aging infrastructure, and we have entered the phase of our city’s life cycle in which we will have to pay to maintain things.

Vote YES on the propositions — that is a YES for a strong, vibrant Richardson.

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