On my way

Left this morning for the Internet Librarian conference, in Monterey, California. Good but crowded flight to LA. I’m now waiting for the puddle-jumper up to Monterey, after which I’ll drive up to Marin County for a couple of days before the conference starts.

Reading Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”. I am not a particularly literate librarian. Well, I’m really a reference librarian, and am pathetically poorly-read compared to a lot of my colleagues (though I’m pretty well read on some non-fiction areas – science, stuff like that). Anyway, I’m enjoying the book.

Hoping for good skateboarding weather on Saturday and Sunday.

Gonna be a long day of travel today – left the house this morning about 6:30am, and will get to Dale’s place about 8pm (10pm at home). But its better than the Greyhound. But then, what isn’t.