Morrissey show

Well, last night we went to see Morrissey, at the Palladium Ballroom in Dallas. I’m including my spouse’s review of the event below.

The opening act, Kristeen Young, was pretty horrible. I don’t like the girl wailing while she bangs on a keyboard thing. She tried to act cute and nervous, which was annoying. For female musicians, gimme Johnette Napolitano of Concrete Blonde, Natalie Merchant, or someone else who isn’t tone deaf. Or someone totally insane, like Wendy O Williams. Or the Screamin’ Sirens.

OK — Morrissey. He still has a great voice and is a great performer, but he should have stuck to his solo material. For me, hearing him do Smiths material, I just found myself wishing it was the Smiths, and I expect everyone else in the place who had any brains was feeling the same way.

So here’s my wife’s review…

I still miss Johnny Marr

Having seen the Smiths when they played the Bronco Bowl in Dallas 21 years ago, I thought I’d give Morrissey’s solo act a try. While not entirely a disappointment, I found myself wondering if I had stumbled into the traveling Vegas version.drummerpeepersMorrissey’s predeliction for female opening acts remains, but I can’t figure out what in the world he was thinking having the caterwauling spawn of Kate Bush and Tori Amos breastfed by Bjork open for him. I hope Kristeen Young feels better soon because she sounded awful. It didn’t help that her Meg White was Mr. Peepers. Someone please throw an apple up on stage and distract the guy. Ms. Young seemed awfully nervous tonight which makes no sense since I could have beat up half the guys there.

After an interminally long set by the St. Louis native, the primarily young-ish crowd was treated to a couple of videos by Bridget Bardot and the New York Dolls (sadly, not together). I hazard to guess if anyone knew just who in the hell David Johannson is. I’m happy to report Morrissey’s James Dean obsession has not waned as the backdrop for the show was the rebel sans cuasa himself. It seems Morrissey is traveling with a full orchestra these day–does he really need 3 guitar players, plus a bassist, drummer, etc.?? While I applaud the musicians for their talent and showmanship, I can’t helped but wax nostalgic at the 3 piece plus frontman band that was the Smiths. Tonight, the only thing missing was the bubble machine. I was also surprised that Morrissey shot his wad so early by opening with The Queen is Dead and the First of the Gang to Die. He did have a good mix of old and newer material, but the show was too short–maybe 90 minutes. Again, hearing the band via a PA isn’t my idea of a good time–too much wall of sound. And jesus christ, the gong has got to go. Also, keep the shirt on. It was like watching an uncle go swimming–creepy!