Category: Uncategorized

A line

Waltz Skateboards did this little challenge on Instagram to combine some heel-side endovers,  monster walks, and a rolling 360 into a line. Since I do all that stuff anyway I decided to participate, on a relatively big board.

Thankfulness Report 2023

Time for another report, this being Thanksgiving and all.

I am thankful for…

  1. The fact that there is something rather than nothing
  2. My wife
  3. Our cat, Lefty
  4. Our dog, Riley
  5. My family
  6. My friends
  7. Skateboarding
  8. Gaming
  9. Reading
  10. Libraries
  11. People of good heart
  12. Our house
  13. That I grew up in a house and family where I felt safe and we didn’t a bunch of fucked up problems
  14. Our stereo and music collection
  15. Our health

Yet more reading

Finished reading my 19th novel for the year tonight, Drowning World by Alan Dean Foster.

Pretty classic ADF. Solid story. Interesting. Great pacing.

Deciding what to read next. This will be the first year ever that I actually meet my Reading Challenge number, which is 20 books for 2023.