Category: Uncategorized

StupidFest 2024 Day 1

Spent most of the day eating food with friends. Seriously. Had breakfast with my friend Jack, who I’ve not seen in quite a few years. It was great to spend a few hours with him. Then had a late lunch with my friend Patrick.  Finished the day at my friend Jason’s house for a cookout with a bunch of the skaters.

It was really hot today, and I just didn’t handle the heat very well. Poor planning on my part, really. At too much breakfast, then the heat really made me feel like shit. Still, I had a good day. It was so good to catch up.

One really cool thing that happened — my friend Shane, who I met at StupidFest a couple of years ago, told me he enjoys the blog! That really made me happy!


I’m taking a couple of days off. This morning just listening to music. When I retire an hour of just listening to music while I have coffee is going to be a daily routine.