Category: Uncategorized

Very Alva?

The previous post, in which I do an end-over to Frontside Fakie 360 — I posted that video on the OldSkaters reddit. Someone commented “Very Alva!”

This was very pleasing to me.

That is all.


Today I am 60 years old.

Right now I feel good. I feel as strong and agile as when I was 50. I know that the journey from 60 to 70 can be more…severe. I just want to travel and go to shows with my wife, walk the dog, enjoy the cat, skate, do aikido, game, and see my friends.

Ditch Skating

End-over to frontside fakie 360

Here are a couple of videos from a ditch session in Austin last weekend. I had a good time down there. This ditch is pretty gnarly, and I only skate it about once a year, so I don’t exactly have a lot of lines. Rather than going all the way down the ditch and having to walk back up the hill, this year, I just dropped in, did a trick on the face wall, and then popped back out. It was fun.

End-over to backside fakie 360

StupidFest Day 2 and Beyond

Well, StupidFest day 2 began with the traditional breakfast of weirdos as Casa Maria. Seeking not to have diarrhea the rest of the day once we go into the heat, I ate a plain American breakfast of pancakes and eggs.

First stop after that was the annual curb grinding fest at Stelmo school’s parking lot. Second was Zombie Baby ditch. We had a fun session there, which took us to well after noon. I got a couple of good tricks on video for next year’s NeverWas video. Then we went to another ditch spot, for more antics.

We capped off the evening with the premier of the NeverWas 8 video at Carjack’s amazing home in the hills west of Austin. Pizza, video, and good company. Lots of fun.