Category: Uncategorized

No tracking code

Today I removed the tracking code from this and all my other sites.

I removed Google Analytics well over a year ago, and replaced it with Fathom Analytics, a pay service that strives to act ethically.

I removed the Fathom code today. I decided it is dumb to collect stats on a blog like this. If some is interested enough they will comment. Or email me. That’s all I need.

Brush with Greatness

True story. My first “real job” out of college was selling copiers. Outside sales. One day I was out cold calling in my super horrible sales territory, just going through an office building talking to people. I went into a small movie production company and met the owner, Terry Lofton (yes, close last name). They had produced this wonderful film — Nail Gun Massacre. I have never seen it.

Apparently Terry died in 2011, at the age of 48, and NGM was the only film he ever made.

I did not succeed in selling them a copier.

Dog Sports

Yesterday we took Riley to a short class on “scent training” or something like that.

It involved me rubbing a mixture of smelly treats on my shoes, shuffling across the grass to create a trail and periodically dropping treats, and then my wife following him on his loose leash while he followed the trail to the end, at which point he celebrated with her.

By the end of the hour Riley was really getting it, and it was super cute and heartwarming to see my wife and our dog celebrating is success!