Category: tricks to learn

Tricks to Learn: #1

This is the first in a series of posts I’ll probably abandon after I do a couple and forget about the series. In this series, I will list a few skateboard tricks in each post that I am working on. Might be sequences too. You may now know what they are, because I do lots of weird moves that don’t really have names. I suspect that Tony Gale might figure them out. Anyway, here we go.

Today – bank skating moves. I love bank skating. I’m partial to big, flat banks, where I can spin and slide and whatnot.

  1. Backside carving Walk Around to fakie
  2. Frontside carving Turn-In to fakie
  3. Frontside slide to fakie to 1-footed fakie 360
  4. Carving backside 180 slide into backside 540 spin

That’s it. Hoping to get out to the little ditch I skate and try these today.