Took the Mode Pool board, which I’ve decided is a little better for my weird freestyle influenced version of street skating, to my oldest skate spot and just let the GoPro record a bunch of stuff. Not crazy about the fisheye effect and the way it makes distant stuff look even more distant, but it gets the job done. After about an hour the school district cop rolled up and told me the entire grounds of the school are closed, so I saluted and said very good sir, and was on my way. I’d gotten my skate in, and really, I’m not gonna win that argument. I mean, there I am in an otherwise empty parking lot, but how can she tell all the dumbasses on the playground to leave and not tell me the same thing? Well, she can’t. So off I went.
By the way – for hard wheel skating, there’s just no reason to buy anything but Bones STF.
Nothing mind boggling here – just sharing ’cause that’s how we pandemic.
Looks pretty good if you go to full screen on the vid.
Parking Lot Hijinx from Bob Loftin on Vimeo.