Category: digital photography

Canon SD750 and video


Here’s a quick video, shot with my Canon SD750, of my friend Paul skating Havik skatepark. The video is compressed to a 9.5 meg QuickTime file — the original files are really good quality.

 Click here for the Quicktime file, or you can watch it in my VodPod widget down on the right.

For short clips edited together, I have to say that using the digital camera is a lot easier than using a camcorder. When you are ready to put them on the computer, you just dump the clips into whatever application you are using (in this case iPhoto and then iMovie). Much easier than finding and importing stuff from a tape. My camera takes pretty high quality video, which means big file sizes, but my 2 gig card was plenty. I may get an even bigger card for it. I can see using this for video a lot.

Sadly, this is the last week for Havik Skatepark. I’m sorry I didn’t make it out there until last night. It’s kind of far from my house, but I do think it would have been worth the drive a couple of times a month. I need to be more willing to drive a little to a good spot.