Category: IL2006

Reports from the 2006 conference in Monterey, Californina.

the Internet Librarian: part 1

Later this month I’ll have the opportunity to once again go to a great conference, the Internet Librarian. Very useful for librarians of a techno-bent, or really anyone wanting to learn some of the more recent things happening in library-relevant internet technology. I’m going to try to blog my experiences every day. The big topics last year were blogs, RSS, wikis, and tagging. It will be interesting to see which of these is still hot, and what if anything has displaced them.

Last year, I learned that you don’t have any cool tourist experiences if you don’t take at least a day outside the conference to devote to fun. Everything in Monterey except eateries seems to shut down after about 5pm, and there’s only so much fried calamari I can eat before it loses its novelty. So this year I’m going out a day early, on my own coin, renting a car, and driving up to San Francisco on Sunday. Going to meet up with Garry Holl and some other freestyle skateboarders for a nice session, then hopefully see my old friend Dale, who lives in the area. Then a scenic drive back to Monterey.

Fingers crossed for good weather.