Throwing this one out to my friend MMS. I feel that we (both of us) need to seek out young badass artists, lest we become the new version of the old guys in the crowd at the public television Doo-Wop festival.
For less that $5 a month you can have space on a web server. For a few bucks a year you can have your own domain name. With a computer at the public library and a plain text editor you can then publish a website that can be seen more or less all over the world. THAT IS PUNK ROCK. It just requires a tiny bit of knowledge and effort to do your own thing. You should do it.
Throwing this one out to my friend MMS. I feel that we (both of us) need to seek out young badass artists, lest we become the new version of the old guys in the crowd at the public television Doo-Wop festival.