
I am finally spending some time learning to use the Akai MPD26 pad controller I got a couple of years ago. The device can do a lot, and I’m using it with the very complicated Ableton Live 9 DAW software. So there’s a huge learning curve.

My interest is simply using it to activate one-shot or looped audio clips, but as I learn more I get additional ideas for ways to use it for noise “music”.

Generally I like using actual hardware instruments rather than computer samples, but I can see where this could get very addictive. With the computer and a controller, the possibilies are really endless. I could even use my hardware instruments to record samples into the computer for use with the pad controller. So yeah — endless possibilites to may totally non-danceable sounds to offend the sensibilities of normals.

Here’s the first experiment — one clip on one drum pad, with some effects assigned to a couple of faders and knobs.

2 thoughts on “Swaggart

  1. Mike Moore

    The title lured me in. I had hoped you were gonna use the “I have sinned against you” bite…so that was cool. Still can’t say I’m a noise convert, but they’re getting more interesting the deeper you get.

    1. admin Post author

      As I said, this was a first experiment with the device. Only used that one clip, but it’s a classic. Was off this morning, so I collected some other similar clips from him, Falwell, and Benny Hinn. Still figuring out how to make the software do what I want via the controller.

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